Contacting Information

If you want to e-mail me because you've found an error, want to make a suggestion or just want to say what you think of the program, you can e-mail me at If you have ICQ, you can reach me at ICQ number 41105077. If you have a question that's in the online version of this manual, I will probably not reply. Please check the online manual first before you e-mail me.

For information about this program, visit the website. There you can also download the latest version, and see the online manual.

If you want to keep updated with news about The Neighborhood Handler, send a blank e-mail to and join the TNHH group. You'll get an e-mail every time a new version has been released, but new versions won't be sent directly. You can download them earlier than anywhere else though! To join, you can also use the form on the website. If you don't want to subscribe, you should check out The Sims Zone regularly as any news about The Neighborhood Handler will be posted there.