The Options Screen

The options screen is where you set all the settings for The Neighborhood Handler. Without having these settings right, the program will not work properly. This screen can be entered by clicking the button on the main screen. When it's the first time you start the program (and after installing a new version), this screen will also automatically be shown. It has two tabs. The first one, is the Neighborhood Handler tab:

Here's the meaning of all options:
Option Description
Back-up Method Choose the way back-ups are saved here. The default is Normal. See the Creating a Back-up chapter for more info (Chapter 5) on the different modes and the Important Notes (Chapter 23) for more details on protection. Select "Choose when creating Back-up" to be able select the back-up method whenever you create it.
Output Put the path where you want to store all your back-ups in the box here. You can click "Browse" to browse for a directory to store them. The default is the same path as where The Neighborhood Handler is installed. You can set that using the "Use path of TNHH (Default)" button. This path must exist for the program to work.
Dates And Times Choose here how you want dates and times to be displayed (in what format). For dates, you make a combination of the letters D (day) M (month) and Y (year). For times there is H (Hour), M (Minute) and S (Seconds) and AM/PM if you want times to have the AM/PM symbol after it. The default for these settings is the same as your Windows regional settings. Click "Example" to see how dates and times will be displayed.
Windows Stay on Top Choose this if you want the main window to stay in top of all other windows. The default of this option is off (not checked).

There's a second tab for The Sims too:

Option Description
Location of The Sims This is the path to where The Sims is installed. This option must be set properly, else The Neighborhood Handler will not work. The Neighborhood Handler can find it automatically using the "Try to Find it automatically..." button. You can also browser for sims.exe using the "Browse..." button to locate The Sims.
Language of The Sims This is the language in which The Sims should be ran. Note that changing this will affect it so that it will also run in that language no matter how you start it.
I have an Expansion pack installed Check this box if you have an expansion pack installed and want to enable multiple neighborhood support (not multiple back-up support, that's always on!). If you check this box, you will also be able to select the 4other boxes for Hot Date, Vacation, Unleashed and Superstar which will enable the support for each of these expansion packs.
Resolution of The Sims Select 800x600 (Default) to run The Sims in a screen resolution of 800x600. Setting it to 1024x768 will run it in that resolution. This will only affect it when you launch The Sims from The Neighborhood Handler, any shortcuts whatsoever will not be changed.
The Sims Start-up options Here you can select special options to be set when you launch The Sims. This will not affect any shortcuts whatsoever, only when you launch it from The Neighborhood Handler. By default none of these options are checked. You can check the "Skip Intro" option without problems or if problems occur during the playing of the intro when you run The Sims. Other options should only be used in case The Sims doesn't work properly. The readme file of The Sims contains more information about these parameters.

Finally, at the bottom there are a few buttons. Click "Save options" to save your settings and go (back) to the main screen. Click "Cancel" to return to the main screen without making any changes. If you run The Neighborhood Handler for the first time, then this will terminate the program. Click "Defaults..." to load all the default values. These should get you ready to go, and don't have to be changed. If you're not sure about all the settings mentioned above, simply click that button. You can change whatever you want to change still.

Related chapters:
  • Chapter 3: The Main Screen
  • Chapter 5: Creating a Back-up
  • Chapter 23: Important Notes