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103. E3: Sims 2 Live Stage Demo
Written on Thursday 19 May 2005 at 04:03 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Two people of Maxis have visited GameSpot at the E3 to talk about the Sims 2 on consoles. A video where GameSpot talks to Virigina McArthur, producer for the Sims 2 Handheld, has been posted to be streamed for free. The video shows the first moving images of The Sims 2 on DS, GBA, phones and PlayStation 2, all in about 18 minutes. For the handhelds the quality isn't too great, as a camera watches over the shoulder of Virginia as she plays, but for the PS2 version the game is shown quite well. Read on for the details from the video.
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104. E3: Official 360 Degrees Video
Written on Thursday 19 May 2005 at 01:33 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The third video of the day comes from the official site. It's what visitors of the E3 can see at the Maxis stand. The Sims 2, University and Nightlife have all been combined into a 360 degrees video. It's a short clip that scrolls from one to another game version. You can download it from the official E3 Videos page.

105. E3: Another Nightlife Trailer
Written on Thursday 19 May 2005 at 01:24 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
After the trailer posted earlier by GameSpot, another one has been posted. A brief video shows a nightclub of The Sims 2 Nightlife, possibly with some new in-game music in the background. The video can be streamed for free (with GameSpot Basic account) from their media page.

106. E3: Nightlife at GameSpot Live
Written on Wednesday 18 May 2005 at 19:56 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
This E3, GameSpot is showing live video feeds from the floor. Although it's not live now, due to a partial power outage at the conference center, it should be tomorrow. On Thursday, from 2pm PST onwards (10pm GMT), GameSpot will show several games, including The Sims 2 Nightlife. Although you need a GameSpot Complete account to see the live show, a free rerun will be available on-demand later on.

107. The Sims 2 Console and DS Screens
Written on Wednesday 18 May 2005 at 01:16 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Games site GameSpy has posted several new screenshots of The Sims 2 on both the consoles and Nintendo DS. With the E3 having started, it won't be long before more screenshots or videos will appear. For now, enjoy the seven new shots - of which five for the consoles and two for the DS - showing a 3D genie, fire, a DJ set, a house overview, Create-A-Sim, and finally some interactions for the DS version. Click the thumbnails to enlarge the shots.

TS2 Console TS2 Console TS2 Console TS2 Console TS2 Console TS2 DS TS2 DS

108. Strangerhood Episode 6
Written on Saturday 30 April 2005 at 22:54 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The guys of Rooster Teeth Productions have done it again - they've made a new episode for the Strangerhood, their sitcom series made with the Sims 2. This sixth episode, "Idol Desperation" clocks about 5 minutes, and can be found in various formats on the video archive. Download it to find out what happened to the Strangerhood characters after Nikki died...

109. New TS2 PSP Screen
Written on Tuesday 26 April 2005 at 23:21 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
EA has published a new screenshot of the Sims 2 on PlayStation Portable. You can check it out by clicking the thumbnail below. It shows the Dead Tree Hub location Virginia McArthur talked about in the GameSpot video about the game.

The Dead Tree Hub

110. Will Wright to speak at E3
Written on Sunday 24 April 2005 at 14:57 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) is starting again in about three weeks, at 17 May. The biggest exposition of computer and video games will be a good one for Maxis fans this year, with The Sims 2 for consoles and handhelds, The Sims 2 Nightlife for the PC and Spore for PC and possibly Xbox 2 being shown. Besides that, Will Wright, designer of the original Sims game and now Spore, will be speaking at the "The path to creating AAA games: How successful designers learn from experience, or decide to break from it" workshop. The panel will discuss if developers learn from previously made games, and if they get inspired by them. Learning from mistakes will also be a topic. The moderator will ask the guests, including Wright, how the previous game influenced the game they've most recently completed or are working on now. To quote the exact description:
"In what ways do designers draw on their previous games for lessons and inspiration? Is the muse that contributes to the game design process wholly new for each game or does it tap a well of ever-increasing knowledge and experience? And what's to be learned from mistakes and games that underwhelmed and sold poorly? This session will ask a panel of experienced developers how they learn and build on their game design experience. We'll ask them to specifically address how their most-recently completed project (or one they are working on now) was influenced by the game that preceded it. If there are rules and conventions to follow in creating games, where do they come from? Is past experience a viable resource or is it best to start new projects with a clean slate?"
Carly Staehlin will host the workshop, and other guests are Mark Firor (Mythic Entertainment), Todd Howard (Bethesda Softworks: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Q Entertainment: Meteos, Lumines) and Tim Willits (ID Software: Doom 3). It's quite likely Wright will be speaking about Spore, although that is not specifically mentioned. For more information also see the E3 workshop list. Thanks to WorldSims for the tip.

111. The Sims 2 @ PSP Info
Written on Sunday 24 April 2005 at 14:24 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The Sims 2 for PSP is, besides several other console versions, also in development. After discussing the other versions (except for mobile phones) GameSpot has also posted a preview of the Sims 2 for PSP. Virginia McArthur talks about the game (again) in a video interview, which is summarised by GameSpot. She tells that the game will be set in Strangetown, like the other handheld counterparts. However, the story is quite different. You'll start off with a Sim whose car has broken down near Strangetown. After socialising a bit with a mechanic, Oscar, he fixes your car while you're in a curio shop. There, with a set of tarot cards, your goals and aspirations will be determined. You can of course go back and do it again if you don't like the outcome. A little bit of what happened to Bella Goth in the PC game will also be unveiled. You'll move into her house (that she leaves), but the house will have to be fixed up a lot despite the maid's attention. When you get back, everything is gone - the car and the garage... That's where the game really starts.

You can go to five different neighborhoods with a map, where you'll need to socialise. There will be characters from the PC version but also some new and unique ones in the neighborhood. You can throw party and so invite some Sims to move in and become roommates. As possible on the PC, you'll be able to customise those Sims to your likings. Two players of the PSP version can also join the game over the wireless capabilities, and socialise to get extra points. You can also copy characters over this way, and trade objects and such. Audio capabilities will also be used to the max, using all Simlish features from the PC and a brand new soundtrack.

Read the preview for more information, or see the video interview to get the word from Virginia straight away. You can also check out the first three screenshots below.

The Sims 2 @ PSP The Sims 2 @ PSP The Sims 2 @ PSP

112. The Sims 2 for Console Looked at
Written on Saturday 23 April 2005 at 00:56 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Yesterday there was an interview with Virginia McArthur about the Sims 2 on the GBA and DS. Today, GameSpot is continuing their coverage, by posting a new article about the Sims 2 on the big consoles - PlayStation 2, XBox and GameCube. In a video interview with producer Scott Amos, he talks about the aspiration and the new food systems in the console version of the game. It's also said that the game will feature a more rich Create-A-Sim mode than on the PC, with options to morph shape the face and body, but also to create new clothes by unlocking items, and combining them in the create-a-fashion mode. As for the food, you have 60 ingredients of which you can combine up to 4 at a time. These will create your own power ups, as the food will affect moods or other things. The aspiration you pick at the start determines a bit in which way the story will develop, though - quite like the Sims Bustin' Out - you can go in whatever order you like. As mentioned earlier as well, you can play the game with two players in split-screen mode, and so play the game side-by-side. Direct control works there too.

The game is set to be released in fall 2005, along with the handheld versions. Tomorrow GameSpot will cover the PSP edition of the game. For now, there are two new artworks and a sketch from the console version to be admired by clicking the thumbnails below. You can read GameSpot's preview or see the video for more details.

The Sims 2 Console Artwork The Sims 2 Console Artwork The Sims 2 Console Sketch