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Do you want to see some puppies?

Well, do you? This part of the review is about breeding and what to do with your puppies. Kittens are effectively the same, but I prefer dogs myself. We can assume that the results will be very similar at least.

Just because you have male and female dogs as part of a family does not mean that they will get on. They need to know each other quite well before breeding them is an option. With Dr. Dobalina's cats, they do not get on with each other so the chance of them having kittens in the forseeable future is quite remote. Hence, that is why we have visited Nalifordan.

When a couple of pets have a close enough relationship, then you can click on one of those pets and direct them to have woohoo. If they don't have a pet house to go into, then they will not comply with that request. The official reason is that they need privacy to become intimately acquainted. The unofficial reason is that there are no animations created for animals having woohoo and quite rightly so.

Back with the Shelton house, Pamela has bought her dogs an Average Paws Bedding. As Mao and Princess Bungle are well enough acquainted, she now has "Try for Puppies with ..." come up in her list of interactions. Once she chose for Mao is to try for puppies with Princess Bungle, he checks with Princess Bungle and they both went off to the new pet house. With the door closing behind them, there was the familiar pyrotechnics, shortly followed by the also familiar rock-a-bye-baby theme. I think they were successful.

So, two days later, and there is the pitter-patter of tiny paws. Princess Bungle gives birth to two puppies. One girl, who Pamela named Pei-Pei, and one boy, who Pamela named Zhang. It was at this point that I made my mind up decisively as to whether this is indeed a good expansion or not, which you will find at the conclusion of this review.

There are limits to litter size. There is a maximum of six pets per household, which means a maximum litter size of four. There is also a maximum lot occupancy of ten so assuming you have a family of seven sims and two pets, the maximum litter size will be one.

Puppies inherit a combination of their parental genetics, including their personalities. This can mean that Pei-Pei and Zhang have two different astrological signs when it comes to their new personalities. Both of them are aggressive like their father and finicky like their mother but both have floppy ears.

There is no time like the present for training a dog to behave properly. Just when it seemed that Mao and Bungle were behaving properly, the puppies are now causing puddles in the living room.

Also, they don't stay puppies for long. Three days later and Zhang and Pei-Pei, who have both been housetrained, grow into adult dogs. Unlike both of their parents, they have floppy ears. They have a face like Bungle but have their father's tail and general colouring.

Pamela took this opportunity to register the new breed.

Owner Lifestyle Options

Now, with four adult dogs in the house, Pamela is presented with a few choices.

What options does our owner have?

The "101 Dalmatians" Option - Pamela can keep them all and continue her life as normal. In my opinion, this is not a good idea. One underfed dog and Animal Control can be over like a shot to take ALL of the dogs away. Four dogs go through a lot of dogfood.

The "Free To A Good Home" Option - The owner can give them away to the Adoption Service or give them away to anyone who might be calling. Again, that begs the question, why did the owner have puppies in the first place if all they want to do is give them away? Anyway, they are not free to the potential buyer. The Adoption Service charges the minimum of the base price. Also, if the dog has been trained to some degree, the price will go up.

The "Production Line" Option - As the only limit to having puppies or kittens is a pet's adult lifespan, which can be prolonged with the Kibble of Life, Pamela could make a lot of simoleons from selling the young dogs or cats to neighbours or townies. The more tricks a dog knows and the more behaviours it has learnt, the higher the price.

The "Earn Their Keep" Option - Pamela can give up her day job and she can send the four dogs out to work. She stays at home making sure that their bedding and bowls are clean, their bowls are filled and everything works towards them being well rested and not missing the car pool. Training them when they are home also helps with their promotion prospects.

The "Blue Peter" Option - Named after a long-running British Children's TV show, when one of the pets on the series has puppies, they are given away to good homes to be trained as working dogs, but one may be kept in the "family". An example is Petra, who was a Blue Peter dog in the 1960s, and had puppies. Most of the litter were given away to become working dogs, but Patch was kept and became the first "pet" of John Noakes, who was a presenter at the time. Before you ask, this was before the days of Shep. A more recent example would have been Goldie whose pup Bonnie joined the show, but I was too old to be following "Blue Peter" then. I'm showing my age again.

As it happened, Pamela gave up her work to become a "stay at home owner". Pei-Pei is currently working detecting counterfeits and Zhang is a stunt-double. Actually, this was forced on her as she was unable to order a maid. Mao and Bungle are planning to try again for another litter.

Now the Shelton pack are happily going about their business, I resume my hunt for a werewolf. Hopefully, in the next section, we will be able to show and tell you all about this form of weirdness.

Written at 20:55 on Sunday 29 October 2006 by Andy.

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