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The Sims PS2 reviews
Reviews of The Sims on the PS2 are popping up everywhere, and I've found some that I missed before. There's a rather new one at WirePlay (28 January), a slightly newer onw at Gamexc.com (29 January), an older one at PSX Nation (19 January) which is the same one as found at GameRankings found earlier. And there's one from Gamers.com, without a date so I don't know how old that is. Click the links to read the reviews, or visit our updated review index for more.

Written at 22:35 on Monday, 3 February 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 17:46 on Wednesday, 5 February 2003 by Alan Shilstone (Sidney)
I purchased the Sims 2 on the playstation and Im afraid to say that I have become addicted!!!

I am in the process of making my way through the ' Get a Life' part of the game.

I am finding It a challenge to balance everything up ie Social, Fun, Hygiene but have slowly but surely got the hang of the game.

The only groan I have Is that the time seems to go too fast whilst playing the game, I am currently living In a rented pad, going to work between 0800 and 1500, by the time you get home have something to eat then socialise (Which is a very important part of the game If you want to keep your depression at bay), then have a workout to better my career, you are just about ready for bed, ooh and don't forget to empty your bladder.

As I have said It is a very good and addictive game, Its one of those games you either love It or hate It but I find It an exciting and challenging game and think It is a good buy.

The only down side is the time just goes too fast, although this does not spoil the game to an extent you don,t play It


Written at 22:07 on Wednesday, 5 February 2003 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
The time problem already was a problem in the PC version... guess they never fixed that. Thank you for your own little review too :-)


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