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Avault reviews TSO
Another review of The Sims Online has appeared. This time it's Avault's turn to take a look at the game:
"Once created, Sims enter their chosen city and begin virtual life. The first order of business should be finding a place to live. Sims can buy a plot of land and build a house, or find a room to rent and live with another Sim. Starting with a modest $10,000 in cash, the easiest option is to rent a room and scrounge off the benefits of another player. Items purchased, such as beds, TVs, chairs, and other furnishings, belong to the Sim who bought them. Should your roommate decide to decorate your new country villa with tiki lamps and giant statues of soldiers, theres very little you can do about it. While other Sims will have the option of moving things around, pieces of furniture can only be deleted by the owning player. Should a Sim change residence, however, their furnishings will move with them. Building a house, on the other hand, is no easy task and requires a lot of cash. Simply having a house creates the potential for Sims to come and visit, though few will stay if theres nothing to entertain them."
Read the whole review, which is 3 pages and one page of screenshots long, at this page. More reviews are in our review index.

Written at 21:04 on Thursday, 23 January 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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