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Pets First Look at 1Up
Many gaming websites have previews of the Sims 2 Pets. We've already mentioned IGN and GameSpot, but there's also 1Up which has posted a preview of the PC Expansion. They start off with saying how three types of the pets in the pack - guinea pigs, birds and fish - aren't much more than glorified objects. When it comes to the dogs and cats though, there is much more to do. Starting with customising them from face to body, and giving them a personality. Pets also have needs, similar to those of Sims, but no aspirations. 1Up also mentions that you can't directly control your pets, and that they don't die of anything but old age. They can also chase up the guinea pigs, but won't be able to catch or kill them. The caged pets can only be scared to death by the bigger pets. Finally they briefly mention training and careers, and the lack of cats to be able to play chess against Sims. Read the complete preview for more information.

Written at 03:04 on Sunday, 30 July 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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