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Open for Business and Family Fun Patches [Update]
After several weeks of making and testing, Maxis has released two new patches for Open for Business and Family Fun Stuff. For Open for Business there are 54 solved issues, the Family Fun Stuff patch fixes 51. In total, 50 of these problems are fixed in both patches. Both patches are around 27Mb large. If you have Family Fun Stuff, you only need the Family Fun Stuff Patch, otherwise, if you have Open for Business get the Open for Business Patch. As said, the Family Fun Stuff patch also includes the one for Open for Business. On the download pages you can find the full list of fixes. For Family Fun Stuff the third fix is new in this second patch, the first two fixes were also in the first patch, which is included in this one. For Open for Business, everything from "Families can no longer be combined when two separate families travel to the same community lot" is new since the previous patch. You can find a summarised list of the most important fixes in the rest of this newspost.

[Update 20 June, 17:30] Unlike what's said above, you do need both patches, if you have both Open for Business and Family Fun installed. The order in which you install the patches does not matter. For more information, see this BBS post by Community Manager MaxoidMel on the official site.

Both Patches:
  • Families can no longer be combined when two separate families travel to the same community lot.
  • Successful makeover for controllable customers now brings up the Change Appearance UI.
  • Sims can now Offer Free Makeover to members of their family after starting a business.
  • Offering a "Free Makeover" no longer causes Sims' buy bar to empty.
  • NPC Vampires will now return home correctly when visiting an Electrono ticket machine lot.
  • Rooms built on half of the stage will now appear correctly.
  • Sims will no longer get stuck in the car when the user saves during the "Get In" interaction.
  • Cleanbots can now clean up baby bottles.
  • Selecting different aspiration using the ReNuYouSenso Orb now displays correctly.
  • Tombstones will no longer multiply themselves when saved on a shelf.
  • Employees working as Baristas now bring in Simoleons.
  • "Offer Makeover To..." interaction now leads customers to browse the Salon Chair.
  • Sims can now make drinks from the bar on a home business.
  • Families are now able to go to work when owning multiple cars.
  • Teens will no longer have the same Small Business Career Work schedule and School schedule.
  • Babies are no longer in the Downtownies pool for invited outings.
  • One of the two Adult Sims will now be able to go to work if a Toddler is left at home without a babysitter.
  • Unfinished paintings on an Owned Community Lot can now be finished if a Sim leaves the lot and returns.
  • Runaway teens will continue to remain on the controllable Sims skewer on the left-hand side of the screen
  • Munchie Bots will no longer bring back invisible, non-interactable food when playing with multiple Munchie Bots.
  • Unintialized Servos will no longer cause rendering problems with Intel video cards.
  • Teens will no longer leave a Business lot with unpaid goods at the time of curfew.
  • Sims on a date on a community lot will no longer browse the Electrono Ticket Machine for the entire date.
  • Single serving desserts no longer disappear from owner's inventory upon restock.
  • Sims will no longer vanish when traveling to non-owned community lots.
  • Users are no longer locked out of live mode when visiting non-owned and owned community lots.
  • Toddler Hairstyles now appear correctly in Bodyshop.
  • Nanny track schedule will now coincide with Sims' work schedule.
  • Moveobject cheat can now be used to manipulate and place objects in out of bounds tiles.
  • Re-entering custom college neighborhoods will no longer cause unmodified and/or occupied lots to disappear.
  • Bag of Poo will no longer break after installing The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff.
Open for Business Patch Only:
  • Crafting stations and shelving can now be seen in neighborhood view.
  • Baseball Cap is now removed when Sims change to Formal wear.
  • Toddler Hairstyles now appear correctly in Bodyshop.
  • Mission themed counters now have door/drawer opening animations.
Family Fun Stuff Patch Only:
  • Broken Muchiebot no longer have dirty dishes stuck on their arms.

Written at 16:57 on Friday, 16 June 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 01:27 on Saturday, 17 June 2006 by Paul Ashworth (pigty)
What a disapointment the Family Fun Stuff patch is. I get the wall panels flashing red like a disco, and have had to remove FFS completely. The patch does not solve this problem - and I know many hundreds of other people have had a similar problem too.

Will Maxis offer a refund? They must be pretty awful programmers, because I have never known so many faults made with any other game before like the Sims games.

Get your act together Maxis, or lose your fans.


Written at 12:30 on Sunday, 25 June 2006 by Neil Jones (NKTP)
The Sims has always been painfully buggy - its due to the nature of the game.

Anyway, we're now 3 EPs in and six patches later and there are still great glaring issues in the original game that are constantly being overlooked, such as the faulty Social Worker, faulty babies (who don't grow up properly) and many other things.

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