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The Sims 2 Media
This weekend we can provide some media for The Sims 2 again, directly from Maxis. This week there's one movie and 2 screenshots (of which one old one). But first: a The Sims 2 newsletter. Maxis has launched a new one for The Sims 2, "The Sims 2 Scoop", which will provide in-depth info about The Sims 2: screens, videos, special offers and more. You can sign up for that at http://preferences.fun.ea.com/ea/mf_TheSims2.asp. On to the movie: remember the shy and outgoing girls who starred in the filmstrip 2 weeks ago? They've now been seen in full motion, telling the same story: who kisses the boy next door first? We can give it to you in two versions: high quality (14 Mb) and low quality (3 Mb). You'll need QuickTime to see it. Finally, the two screenshots, which this time show how easy you can change the entire look of a room. Note that these images are quite big and might take a while to load:

The different looks of a room (1)

The different looks of a room (2)

Written at 23:50 on Sunday, 9 November 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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