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New at TSZ: RSS Feeds
As promised I've added a new feature to The Sims Zone: RSS Feeds. It took us a while to get it right, but it seems to be working fine now. These feeds (also known as RDF feeds) allow you to quickly get the latest headlines from The Sims Zone without having to visit this site. All you have to get is an RSS reader like FeedDemon or FeedReader, and add the proper urls to the reader. Then the reader will keep you up-to-date immediately. We currently have two feeds, one for the latest news and one for the community news. If you're already familiar with RSS, you can use these urls (note: these are NOT meant to be viewed by your web browser!):

These RSS feeds are valid!
  • News: http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/rss/news.rss (Validate)
  • Community News: http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/rss/cnews.rss (Validate)

  • If you want to know more about RSS and our feeds, then visit our RSS page. There you can find a lot more detailed information about how to use these feeds. You can always access that page by clicking the "RSS" buttons under News and Community News. Please post your comments and give us feedback about it. If you want to see the latest headlines and more in the side panel of your browser without having to visit The Sims Zone, you can still get our TSZ Sidebar.

    Written at 23:53 on Saturday, 27 September 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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