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Hey everybody does anyone know if u can grow ur own sugar or baking mix 18 Mar 2006, 22:45 3 16 Apr 2006, 00:34 2847
What do all the kids spells do? 6 Jan 2007, 18:07 2 4 Jan 2008, 06:50 2847
I installed all EP-s and they worked until I installed Makin' Magic... The game starts but in the middle of intro (in which appears MM logo) it goes back to desktop (crashes)! I have Direct X9 so it can't be a display problem... 14 Mar 2004, 18:43 5 25 May 2005, 20:26 2848
I need to know how to beat the cemetary puzzle. I have absolutely no clue how to do this. Does anyone know? 31 Dec 2005, 05:03 2 6 Jan 2006, 00:00 2848
I can get black roses but the only action that appears is "Clean up" How can I pick them up? (I've got Sims MM SS HD og the sims Think I've got instalation problems in Hot date.... If I reinstall it will my familyes be deleated? 2 Nov 2005, 21:12 5 28 Nov 2005, 12:41 2848
How in the world can I get a prince from a toad? I have been trying and trying to kiss them with my female sim but none will transform. Am I doing somthing wrong or is it just a rumor? 22 Apr 2006, 19:38 1 27 Apr 2006, 16:04 2848
do dragons eat toadstools and if they do how do you make them stop? 1 May 2006, 06:17 3 15 Oct 2006, 06:48 2848
How do you win Magic Duels? I have tried countless times and I still loose! My sim has full logic and everything because I talked to the Mysterious Man and he said something about "barin not brawn". 27 May 2004, 17:41 3 23 Aug 2004, 19:20 2848
how do i feed my pet dragon 9 Oct 2004, 14:22 6 28 Jan 2006, 15:20 2848
how do i make wine - im not sure if its even from this expansion, i instaled them all... 30 Jan 2005, 20:03 2 21 Mar 2005, 12:19 2848
Is it a little odd for Cassandra Goth to be killing things? 25 May 2005, 21:04 4 10 Nov 2005, 15:00 2849
I cannot talk to any NPC's in magic town. How do I talk to them? Clicking on them and selecting talk doesn't work. 30 Sep 2004, 09:21 2 4 Jan 2005, 19:59 2849
I have been downloading a few objects from Livin-It-Up.com. How do I transfer them into the game? 15 Nov 2004, 01:38 3 9 Jan 2006, 14:57 2849
I cannot talk to any NPCs in magic town. What do I do. clicking on them and selecting talk doesn't work. 30 Sep 2004, 09:23 2 9 Jul 2005, 21:04 2849
Is there a way to create a raised front porch in Sims 1 (w/MM)??? 11 Jul 2004, 01:36 3 12 Sep 2004, 08:57 2849
do u get a prize for solving the cemetary puzzle? 5 Jan 2006, 22:48 2 2 Jan 2007, 12:25 2849
What are bean stalks and how do you get them? 21 Jan 2006, 20:43 2 7 Mar 2006, 02:09 2849
I have the all the sims on one of my old computers but i've got a new one since then, my new one is on WIndows xp professional. Can i still load sims1 and the packs on there? Will they work properly? 27 Apr 2006, 05:54 2 2 Jan 2007, 12:20 2849
How many are CD-Roms are in the Making Magic expansion Pack? 25 Feb 2004, 00:17 3 14 Nov 2007, 22:01 2849
Does someone know how you get the plastic duck or turkey or watever for one of the spells? 3 Mar 2004, 16:32 3 11 Sep 2004, 19:40 2849
The game loads with the makin magic screen - then when it should go to the neighbourhood screen it just crashes and sends me to my desktop, what can i do? 18 Mar 2006, 18:30 2 28 Mar 2006, 15:44 2849
where can i download all the crystals for free (not yuppiesims plz)? 5 Sep 2005, 12:49 3 30 Jul 2006, 11:23 2849
On some of theses questions i saw something about dragons...what expansion is this? and how do you get the dragon? 25 Apr 2004, 22:00 3 25 Aug 2005, 00:53 2849
Can you do anything with the flowers that grow in your yard from casting spells? 5 Jan 2006, 23:55 6 21 Feb 2006, 19:17 2850
Any cheats or downloads to become a better magician? Non-hacked please 2 Feb 2005, 22:23 3 25 May 2005, 20:17 2850
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