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Knowledge - Expansion Packs
  • Hot Date: Go here for help with the Hot Date expansion pack (57 Questions)
  • House Party: Need to throw a good party but don't know how? Ask here! (24 Questions)
  • Livin' Large: All questions specifically about the first expansion pack go here (44 Questions)
  • Makin' Magic: Simsalabim, you'll find help with magic here! (232 Questions)
  • Superstar: For all your problems with getting famous (90 Questions)
  • Unleashed: Post all your questions about Unleashed in this section (84 Questions)
  • Vacation: If you can't get your Sims to the beach or the mountains, post your question here! (31 Questions)

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Sticky: What version of The Sims do I need to have for an expansion pack? 1 Feb 2004, 01:00 5 4 Aug 2004, 23:58 14500
i have the Sims and the Sims Unleashed. I have downloaded a living room set but i can't get it in my game. can anyone help? 13 May 2006, 01:16 1 5 Aug 2006, 18:28 3058
I lost my manual...and I can't find it! I just installed Vacation and I don't know how to even go on vacation! How do I make my Sims and/or his/her family go on vacation? 1 Nov 2005, 00:39 3 2 Nov 2005, 01:52 3062
When you install an expansion pack can you still play the regular sims game or has the expansion added onto it? 16 May 2005, 03:22 1 16 May 2005, 21:32 3071
What is the order of Expansion packs. I uninstalled all of them and i want to reinstall with the right order, so what is the right order? 23 Jun 2005, 18:12 1 23 Jun 2005, 22:46 3082
I went to Neighborhood 4 in my game earlier today, and while the celebs are "having their emotional breakdowns", the game just exits and closes out by itself. Could there be a bug in my game? I have EPs HP HD and SS. 19 Jul 2004, 21:22 2 15 Aug 2004, 12:31 3097
What happens if you DON'T install the eps in the order: Livin' Large, House party etc.? Cuz I have to "earn" the sims, I don't wanna waste my money on an ep I hate! So can you install: LL, HP, HD, UNL & SS without vacation + MM? 8 Aug 2005, 09:30 2 9 Aug 2005, 09:09 3106
Hey Everyone. I live in the UK, and was browsing online on one of my local GAME shops website and found the Complete Collection of the Sims for £19.99. Is this a good deal? Im interested in coming back to the sims 1 as I havent played it for a while. TomX 2 Jan 2007, 15:23 5 15 Nov 2007, 22:43 3107
I remember back in 2003 I was using a program where you could upload your face as a sim and put new clothes on him. Is this 'The Sims Creator'? Because I swear it was called something else. I was Using Deluxe. Tom x 2 Jan 2007, 15:25 2 17 Jan 2007, 04:12 3112
I've downloaded a few lovebeds but i can't get their animations to work. My sim just stands there with a bubble above saying 'no animation' even after i tried many other ways listed on the web. I got XP and expansion packs: LL, HD, UL and SS. 22 Jul 2006, 17:55 2 17 Jan 2007, 04:22 3118
I lost my manual...and I can't find it! I installed Vacation but I don't know how to send my sim and/or his/her family on vacation. 1 Nov 2005, 21:55 2 2 Nov 2005, 01:50 3119
I got a new computer and I reinstalled the sims and the expansion packs but I can't remember if I'm supposed to install vacation before unleashed or vice versa. 1 Dec 2004, 18:38 3 5 Dec 2004, 05:05 3120
I was trying to download my LL expansion pack and when I would put the cd in, it wouldnt even start up, so i opened up the set up file and dowloaded it from there. But only parts of LL were installed. Like when I run it now there are certain LL items 20 Feb 2006, 22:52 2 19 Apr 2006, 05:31 3120
Mi sim had another sim over and they were cuddling. Then all of a sudden he leaves her there litterally paralized! How Do i fix this? 10 May 2005, 04:51 2 10 May 2005, 15:20 3121
can u still use the regular mega deluxe cd for the expansion packs (hd, ll, hp, and unleashed) after installing them, and if so what order should i install them???? 19 Apr 2006, 05:33 1 24 Apr 2006, 23:36 3121
How do i hire the buttler??? 9 Feb 2005, 19:23 3 15 Dec 2005, 14:53 3121
I installed Sims 8 in one. I never had any other version of Sims before. It starts Sims Magic right away. Is there a way I can choose which Sims version I want to play? 26 Aug 2006, 18:51 1 4 Nov 2006, 10:11 3121
Is there a way I can get an expansion pack without going to the store and buying The Sims? Like can I download it from a certain site or encode the Sims readme files into the computer so the expansion pack finds what it needs? 27 Jul 2005, 04:27 1 28 Jul 2005, 00:05 3122
sometime i have uninvited guest, they just come and ring on the door, but it only happen for some houses, someone know why ? cause i would like to have uninvited guest on my other houses. thanks 3 Mar 2008, 09:02 2 26 Aug 2011, 10:23 3122
Say I got the sims superstar or unleashed Would i have to install other expansions before that or can I install them anyway? 23 Feb 2005, 23:47 1 25 Feb 2005, 00:31 3122
i installed ep's (HD, HP, LL, and the sims mega deluxe) now i try to install unleashed, and it installed, but i put back in Sims Mega Deluxe cd and now it keeps saying u put in the wrong cd and it still has unleashed in the background. How do u fix this?? 19 Apr 2006, 05:39 3 17 Jan 2007, 09:11 3122
I installed the Sims Deluxe Edition on a secondary drive and everything was fine, but when I try to install an expansion pack it tells me that it can't find the Sims and I need to install it! Why can't it find the Sims on the secondary drive? 3 Jan 2005, 00:48 1 8 Mar 2005, 04:41 3122
I got two of my sims to sit on a couch and made them cuddle. But once they start doing it they suddenly froze and I can't get them unfreeze! My sims still has his energy, hunger, and everything else except comfort loweered to red! 21 Oct 2005, 10:17 3 4 Aug 2006, 18:55 3122
I have eps: LL HP and SS. I want to install UL but I don't want to lose my already saved people. Is there anyway I can install UL w/o losing my saved games? 26 Dec 2005, 22:39 2 4 Feb 2006, 14:50 3122
i have unleashed if i got superstar what would i have to uninstall? 24 Apr 2005, 18:58 2 3 Nov 2005, 22:03 3122
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