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Available At Home
Build Mode Options

If you were thinking that cars are the only cool thing you can have at home, that is far from the truth. Devon X Marcusio & Kismet Q D'Marco have kindly invited us to their home at the Marcusio Club in Regras Gorge to show examples of some of the new changes.

In Build Mode, the first major change is the addition of half-walls. Like normal walls, these can be coloured with any wall covering. There are 24 different types of halfwall. Prior to this addition, it required some complicated cheat-aided building. Now, it is very simple indeed.

On the above left, we see the different types that are available. On the right, we see an example of such walls in place at the Marcusio Club.

Also in Build Mode, for those affluent enough to have their own swimming pool, these have undergone a major overhaul. You can now have irregular shaped pools without having to use complicated building techniques. You can now build them diagonally, although you will still need some orthogonal sections to place the ladders and diving board. This example from Aquarius Waters shows diagonal pieces in place.

There are also 300 new walls and floors. However, a lot of these are variations on a theme, not dissimilar to what we have seen before. Nevertheless, they are welcome and add more variety to your homes and other lots.

You have a few new doors and windows but not very many. I would have liked to see more of those, though.

You CAN do this at home

In Buy Mode, almost all of the cool features that will be available downtown are also available at home. I will skim over some of these features as our guest reviewers will be looking at them in greater detail when they go downtown in the next section.

DJ Booths and karaoke machines are available in the home. You can invite your friends over for a home disco or karaoke party with all of the atmospheric trimmings. However, buying the equipment is not cheap. It costs §2,750 for the booth and §1,800 for the karaoke machine. Here we see Devon from the Marcusio Club is brushing up her skills as a DJ.

You can also get some friends over for an evening of poker or even get some practice in at 10-pin bowling. Yes, you can even buy a bowling alley for your own home. Be warned. This costs §5,500 and it takes up quite a lot of room.

I do find the photo booth to be a very strange addition to the home catalogue. I'm yet to find anyone who has one of those in their home. It does allow your sims to take their own photos to put on the wall, however, and you can get a friend inside the booth for that special shot or some special intimacy.

Modular Sofas and More

For your sims' comfort, there are now modular sofas. You can now snake your sofa around as you see fit and even get that cosy corner unit. They can be without arms or can come with arms. It's your choice how you use them. They are that flexible. Here we see them in use.

Rugs now make their official appearance. These have been around unofficially for quite a while now but now they are properly here. These range from bathmats to large rugs. These do come with several choices of colour to help with coordination.

For the kitchen, you now have the proverbial kitchen sink. You no longer have to put what looks like a basin more suited to a bathroom in there. It might seem a small thing but it does make a big difference.

Welcoming Guests

Our guest reviewers - John, Martha, Alyssa & Steve - are going to tour the place that doesn't sleep, giving us their unique insight as to what there is and what it's all about.

We're going DOWNTOWN.

Dag dag

Written at 04:38 on Saturday 24 September 2005 by Andy.

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