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New The Sims (X-Box) review
As you might've noticed, I've been away a few days so this news is slightly delayed. Anyway: a new review of The Sims on the X-Box has been found at BoomTown. Here's a bit from it:
"Your 'child' really appears to be thick as two short planks at the beginning, not even knowing how to cook, despite looking like an adult. Attempts to cook without studying start a fire, bringing on panic and hysteria throughout your house. Luckily a fireman responds automatically. Attempts to fix your Mum's faulty TV without the requisite mechanical reading before hand results in electrocution and a vibrating control pad. This can be a bit long winded as reading a book (in order to acquire skills) takes a while, especially on the higher skill levels."
If you're still undecided about buying The Sims for one of the consoles, perhaps this review will help you make your decision. You can read all of it right here. If you need even more, check out our review index.

Written at 23:25 on Sunday, 27 April 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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