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SimDay: Again just one link
Maxis' style is getting quite boring now... Yet again, this week's SimDay is nothing more than one simple link. This time to a review of The Sims on the X-Box. However, better than sometimes, it's one we haven't actually spotted before yet, so here's a snippet:
"It is easy to see how Maxis went all out here trying to incorporate as much humor into The Sims as possible - even the furniture and equipment you can buy for your Sims has lead to chuckles. We did try one experiment worth mentioning: Allowing our Sim to do as he pleased for a couple of days then to come back and check on him. To our dismay he got into a couple major arguments with his roommate and now can't even go to the bathroom in peace! Goes to show you man is still smarter than machine - well XBox at least. How Graphic!"
The reviewers, GDXbox.com, gave the game the 'drool award' which basically means a 5 out of 5 score. The whole thing is here. For our review index, with many more reviews of this game, click here.

Written at 23:44 on Thursday, 10 April 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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