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Poll results and new poll: Paying for downloads?
After last week's poll we found out that most of you use WinZip (or a similar program) to manually install downloads into The Sims: 67% (92 people) voted that. Far behind is the SimsFileMaid, which got 15 (11%) out of the 138 votes. Following that closely are those who don't have downloads or only use self-extracting (.exe) ones: 14 votes (10%) for that. A bit behind that is SimsZip, which received 12 votes (9%). SimsFileMaid and The Neighborhood Handler together got 5th, with just 4 votes (3%). The last vote (less than 1%) was for SimsZip in combination with The Neighborhood Handler. That leaves 0 votes for Sims Unzip. That's actually the first time an option in a poll received 0 votes in one week time (or longer).

Now we want to know if you're subscribed to any of the paysites out there. As you know, quite many sites are in bandwidth trouble, and some of them 'went pay ' because of that. We'd like to know if you subscribed to any of those or not. You can tell us by voting here or on the right.

Written at 02:00 on Thursday, 10 April 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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