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New donation files
No, this is no joke. As usual, we've added donation files again. It's april now, and the files that were locked because they were the donation files for January have been unlocked and you can download them for free now. This month, we have a special download too: a "The Sims Zone Sidebar"! If you don't want to visit us to check the latest headlines, or to see if we have any new files, or just see a bunch of links to other fansites, then this is THE solution for you. This sidebar will install in your browser, and show up on the left of your browser window (like the search panel). Of course you can also hide it if you want. It will automatically update itself, and always download the latest headlines for you. You can visit other sites with the sidebar open like you're used to, and of course there are links to all the fansites in our database on it too! We might be adding even more in the future, and you won't even have to update anything.

As special for your Sims, Jen has designed a nice clothing set, The Sims Zone style. Your Sims can now wear clothes with The Sims Zone's logo on it. You can get that, and the sidebar, if you donate. More donation files will be added later this month.

Written at 02:01 on Tuesday, 1 April 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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