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IGN previews The Sims for GameCube and X-Box
For the owners of a GameCube or X-Box there's some nice news. Previews for the game on both platforms have appeared at IGN. There's a video preview for IGN insiders, in which you can see the game in action (at this page). If you're not an insider, then it's still not all bad: you can read the preview. The preview is the same for both platforms, except for the first few paragraphs. It starts off comparing the console versions with the PC version of the game, and the second page is nearly completely occupied with information about the two-player modes. They're not comparing the game to the PS2 version, although they're probably (nearly) exactly the same. Along with the preview, there are 10 new QuickTime movies, 5 from the GameCube and 5 from the X-Box. To read the GameCube version of the preview, click here. Those who prefer the X-Box can check it out right here. The media page with the (old) screenshots and the movies are slightly different, but they both contain all 10 movies (and the 4 screenshots of the specific platform). If you prefer a GameCube flavour, visit this page, while the X-box version is behind this link. Have fun reading and watching.

Written at 22:51 on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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