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Late and tiny SimDay
This simday has been very small and very late. There's one link to a preview of The Sims on GameCube at Nintendophiles. Before I'm going to quote that, there's also a link to a TSO press release about Valentine's day parties (over here) and the community update has been updated again. Now back to the preview:
"To bring the exact same game to consoles would naturally be a terrible idea, especially after two years after its release. That is why Maxis has added a few new goodies into the mix for a fresh new experience. The key mode in this game is the all new Get A Life mode where players live out their entire lives. You begin at home living with your mother and from there you try and establish a life. This is a mission base mode where you are required to fulfill objectives, as you progress you are faced with more difficult challenges. Basic challenges require you to get a job, make some money, meet new people, learn certain skills and move out of your parents home. Then eventually get married and make even more money."
As expected, it'll be the same as The Sims PS2 (and The Sims 2 on the PC will probably have similar new features too). For this game's official site, go here, and the TSGC preview is over here.

Written at 16:56 on Friday, 7 February 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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