98,536,119 visitors since 2 February 2002 

New donation file
As every month we bring you some new donation files that you can receive by donating money to The Sims Zone. So far there's only one for February, but we promise that more will be added soon. If you donate now, you will still be able to download the new files later too, so don't hesitate to donate!

Last month, in January that is, we exceeded our bandwidth limits of 20Gb with about 15Gb! That means we used 35Gb of traffic (i.e. in total, all people downloaded files, images etc. from this site making 35Gb of data going through the wires from The Sims Zone), which is a whole lot! This is a big increase, because we didn't cross our limits for traffic any time before. Because of this sudden increase, we need more and more money to keep this site running. If this keeps up and doesn't increase much, we'll be stuck with a bill of approximately 400 ($600) by March this year. We need that money to keep the site running for a year, and it will still not be enough probably. We currently have just about 100 in our account. That is why we REALLY NEED YOU TO HELP otherwise this site will either go pay or close down before you know it. At this moment we are not getting enough donations to keep the site running as it is, and the advertising doesn't help a whole lot either. If you like this site, then please donate something if possible. We don't care how much - anything from $1 to $1000 will do, it's your choice. If you wish to pay using a different payment method than PayPal, please contact us and we'll see what we can arrange for you. We cannot go on without your help, and that's serious. Help us, before we have to go pay or worse...

Written at 01:00 on Saturday, 1 February 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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