98,529,550 visitors since 2 February 2002 

SimDay 2 This week...
The official site has been updated again yesterday, with some nice things. First of all, there are the press releases of the going-gold of The Sims for PS2 and SimCity 4. Besides that, there are two new objects from The Sims Online which can be downloaded to The Sims (Offline). One is a new Intel computer, the other is the McDonalds 'food kiosk'. The advertising from these companies has now also hit The Sims 1.0... Unfortunately it are English-only versions, the international versions of these objects will be coming in January. You can download them both (296 Kb for the computer, 1.60 Mb for the food kiosk) from Get Cool Stuff. Maxis has now gone on their break, so this should've been their last update until 9 January...

Written at 01:50 on Sunday, 22 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 22:25 on Sunday, 22 December 2002 by Sumit (Sumit)
The Mcdonalds Food Kiosk doesn't seem to work but the Intel is superb even has that sound dandandaan! :)

Written at 00:03 on Sunday, 29 January 2006 by Trish Rodriquez (troy34)
Sims is awesome
Trish Rodriquez

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