Maxis has messed up their calendar: today apprantly is Tuesday the 19th. And it was tuesday two days ago too. Also, the official site says there will be a chat held last week at 3pm. However, when checking we find that the chat is not the 12th, but today, at 3pm PST. That's 11pm in Britain and midnight in Europe. This time it's art director Ocean Quigley paying a visit to the chatroom. More wrong dates: At SimCity Maxis says they'll be back 7 January, after taking a break of a few weeks. At the Sims' site, it's the 9th. Let's stick to the fact that they'll be back some time during week 2, and that the sites will be updated then. Just a week before the release of SimCity 4 and The Sims at PS2... That's all for this week, no SimDay next week or the week after, but the next SimDay will be 9 January.
Written at 19:17 on Thursday, 19 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.