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More about TSO in 60 Minutes II
Thanks to Sumit, there's some more information about the 60 Minutes show tonight. At this page you can find 3 web-exclusive RealPlayer Clips. One clip is about Will Wright and Chris Trottier talking about the differences between computer games and other media like novels and such. The other two are about the powerful appeal of The Sims, and that Will Wright admits he's God in a certain sense. It are quite short clips, but that doesn't make them any less interesting. This page has more information, and perhaps more videos will be put online after the show, which is shown at 8pm EST/PST on CBS News. Oh yeah, there's another clip about Bill Gates in the gaming business... but who really cares about that? You need RealPlayer to view the clips.

Written at 23:31 on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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