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The Sims Online ships
The Sims Online was shipped today, which means it will be in the stores tomorrow! Unfortunately this only goes for people in the USA. Play testers in the USA and Canada can play it for free for another 2 weeks. After that they'll have to buy the game and pay for it to keep playing the game. There's a press release at the official site. Interesting in it is a bit about the costs: it costs $49.99 to buy and $9.95 monthly to play the game. Not too interesting on itself, but then there's this page. It says that Europeans will basically pay a lot more: 54.99 to buy the game, and 12.99 monthly. For all play testers, this page might be interesting. It's about the Founders program, including a small bit for people not in the US, saying they'll be able to play the play test until after the release in their area. The press release can be found here. More information about The Sims Online is at the official TSO site.

Written at 23:35 on Tuesday, 17 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 19:16 on Thursday, 19 December 2002 by Steve (Steve)
I still can't play the game because EA Tech support doesn't know what wrong and they are now refusing to answer my questions until I buy the game, which being in the UK I can't yet!
Submit downloads for TSZ to me!

Written at 19:20 on Saturday, 6 January 2007 by shaun (ples13)
why can not ea pit a game of sims on so we can play sim and we do not have to download

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