98,529,899 visitors since 2 February 2002 

New Poll
Last night a new poll was added again. We are wondering what you have done to your Newbies and Goths, you know, the two families in the original game that everybody knows. Let us know how your Newbies and Goths ended up by voting on the right or at this page. In our last poll ("How will you pay for The Sims Online?") over 50% voted they will not be buying the game: 30 of 57 people chose that. 3 other options ("Game time cards", "Don't know yet" and "I will check TSO out first with the play time that comes with the game, then decide about it") all got 8 votes each (14.04%). The people who will pay with their credit card are in the minority: just 3 people picked that, which is just 5.26%.

Written at 19:14 on Thursday, 12 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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