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TSO Interview: Send us your questions!
Some good news after all the server trouble: we have been invited to have an interview about The Sims Online with the TSO development/producers team. This means an interview with them will be seen here sooner or later. However, we know you probably have some questions you want to ask about The Sims Online. Now here's that opportunity! You can submit your questions to us by either e-mailing me or otherwise by making comments to this news post (registered TSZ members only!). We will select the best questions and add some of our own. These will then be in the interview. There is no guarantee that your question will be answered, but it's worth a try. Everybody is allowed to submit one or more questions, so send them in! You can submit questions until next week midnight between Sunday and Monday (so until Monday 16 December, midnight). We're waiting for your questions...

Written at 12:21 on Sunday, 8 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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