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The Sims for Linux
For those who are familiar with Linux and who love The Sims, there's some good news: MandrakeSoft and TransGaming Technologies have released a package containing Mandrake Linux 8.1 and The Sims for Linux...

The package won't run only The Sims, but also many other Windows games, like StarCraft, Baldur's Gate and Half Life Counterstrike. Not all games are supported though, click here to see a full list of all (currently) supported games.

Of course you can also do a lot else with the package, like surfing around on the internet, or use StarOffice for writing your letters and documents.

For more information about the Mandrake Linux 8.1 Gaming Edition (that's the name of the package), click here. If you want to buy it right away, go to the Mandrake Store, select your region and choose "Mandrake Gaming Edition with The SimsTM for Pentium & Athlon". Shipping will start end november, but you can pre-order now. The costs are $69 for the package, and $20 shipping costs (VAT included).

For more information, click here.
Written at 20:21 on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 by ChEeTaH.

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