99,212,448 visitors since 2 February 2002 

New poll again
Like every early thursday morning, we change the poll at this site. This week's poll is: What's the best in The Sims? Do you like to build houses or areas, furnish them, running or ruining the lifes of sims, or maybe even killing them? Or are you just a downloader and do you spend more time downloading than playing the game? Or maybe you're one of the artists who likes to just make and design extras? Have your say on the right or on this page. As for last week's poll: most people play 2 or 3 neighbourhoods regularly. 43 of 100 voted that. 33% voted that they play only 1 hood regularly. Strange enough, 4 people said they don't play any hood. However, 8 people are very active and play more than 15 neighbourhoods - or at least they say they do. 6% plays 4 or 5 hoods, while 5 people said they play between 6 and 10 neighbourhoods regularly. We wish everyone fun (not) playing so many neighborhoods, and ask you all to vote again this week on the right or here.

Written at 02:15 on Thursday, 27 June 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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