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TSO Best Simulation Game
The Sims Online has been given the award for the best Simulation game of the E3 awards. It was also a runner-up in the category "Best Online Multiplayer". This in the official E3 awards which we mentioned here. The game was nominated in 3 categories: "Best of Show", "Best Original Game" and "Best Simulation Game". This is a bit of what they had to say about TSO:
"Is Will Wright a genius? Or is he just the one-man advance team for an alien race, sapping our energies with games that gleefully absorb more and more of our time, until we're helpless to resist their ruthless march toward galactic rule? There's evidence for both in The Sims Online, which takes the sitcom ingenuity of The Sims and turns it into a reality TV soap opera."
Read all the results of the awards here.

Written at 21:46 on Wednesday, 19 June 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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