98,699,792 visitors since 2 February 2002 

Newbie TJ
Hey. I'm TJ, and I make objects for TSZ. I've been learning how to skin, so you will see some of those too. I just added the first object I ever made with blueprint. It is the Triple Layer Table. Click the picture to check it out.

Written at 14:48 on Thursday, 16 May 2002 by TJ.

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Written at 21:47 on Thursday, 16 May 2002 by @nt (crowdie)
I've already downloaded this from TheSimsLinks, but it's really neat! Well Done! Thanks, TJ.

Written at 01:14 on Tuesday, 21 May 2002 by William (William)
Edited at 02:34 on Tuesday, 21 May 2002 by William (William)
Looks good in the game TJ. Now my Sims have a place to put all of their bills. :)

Written at 01:32 on Tuesday, 21 May 2002 by TJ (TJ)
Thanks Anthony and William. ;)

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