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The Sims 3 Indepth - Ghosts & Other Weirdness

In the eleventh and penultimate report of The Sims 3 Indepth series, we are looking at "Weirdness" and among other things will be finding out who this character is.

We will be looking at death, ghosts, how to bring sims back from beyond the grave, and how to eat properly in order to have eternal life. We will also be reporting about some of the other forms of weirdness that are in the game.

To get the latest part of the review, click here!

However, if you would like to start at the beginning, then click here!

Written at 17:33 on Friday, 13 November 2009 by Andy.

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Written at 18:54 on Saturday, 14 November 2009 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
Interesting piece again, too bad you didn't find out too much about those Magicians... Very good read though, thanks again!


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