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The Sims 3 Indepth - Moving Into The Valley

Moving Into The Valley

In the fourth part of The Sims 3 Indepth, we are seeing what options there are when we build our couple a new home. We look at the price of real estate in Sunset Valley, ranging from shorefront properties to those well inland.

We will be looking at the budget a couple has available, building their house from the ground up and furnishing it with the basics, also making sure that somewhere along the way, their house looks coordinated with help from our own basic guide on using the Create-A-Style-Tool.

To get the latest part of the review, click here!

However, if you would like to start at the beginning, then click here!

Written at 04:25 on Thursday, 16 July 2009 by Andy.

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Written at 15:20 on Thursday, 16 July 2009 by Carla Francisco (carla_francisco)
Another great "chapter" Andy! This is my favourite part of the game - building and decorating. Sometimes it's all I do - not bothering so much with guiding my Sims, focusing only on their surroundings. I guess I'm an architect and decorator at heart! :)))
As always, your tutorials are clear and insightful.
Thanks again, Andy!
Snapshots and stories from the lives of my sims
My Sims Pieces - http://mysimspieces.blogspot.com

Written at 23:36 on Thursday, 16 July 2009 by Tammy (TSZ) (TammyB)
Another well written article, Andy.
Also, thanks for pointing out the "flat" roof tip for creating a ceiling in our sims homes :-)

One thing about building a roof that really gets under my skin is, the floor tile "sides" get exposed leaving that awful mis-matched lines around your roof in certain areas.

And too, the posts, they only look more natural with a hipped roof or on a long side of a gable. If they are placed around a porch on the front side of the gable, they do not meet the roof making it look like they are not tall enough.

Just some more building points I just wanted to share if you are into building more realistic looking houses like me.

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