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The Sims 2 Apartment Life - Penthouse Paradise or Flatshare from Hell? - Part 3

Read this part of the review or little Rex here gets deleted!

In the third part of our review of Apartment Life, now we have played the game for a while, we will be taking a close look at what is new in the build and buy modes. We will look at important additions to the gameplay and also at some items that have been brought forward from previous expansions, and not always in a good way. From lapdogs to ventilation pipes, there is a lot to cover in this part of the review.

To get the latest part of the review, click here.

However, if you would like to start at the beginning, then click here!

Written at 01:31 on Thursday, 11 September 2008 by Andy.

1 Comment
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Written at 03:05 on Thursday, 11 September 2008 by MissWendy (TSZ) (MissWendy)
I just love reading your reviews. I learn so much more than if I was just playing the game. Thank you for showing us the ins and outs of the new EP!!

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