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Eighth Expansion Confirmed
Although the Sims 3 has already been announced, EA has confirmed that there will be an eighth expansion for the Sims 2. Through a teaser on the official site we now know that this possibly last expansion for the Sims 2 will take Sims to apartments:
"Your Sims are moving into a brand-new apartment and their lives will never be the same!

"Fun and drama await as your Sims discover apartment living - from getting along with new neighbors to meddlesome landlords, building their reputation to visiting new social hangouts. Take your Sims out of there serene suburban homes into hustling apartment buildings."
Check out the teaser below, click the thumbnail for a large version.

TS2 EP8 Teaser

Written at 20:25 on Sunday, 13 April 2008 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 01:01 on Monday, 14 April 2008 by Andy (TSZ) (Andy)
Thankyou for letting us know about this one :) I look forward with interest to EP8.
Site Manager & Assistant Webmaster

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