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Penguin Bugs Due to Patch [Update - April Fools]
The patch for Seasons released yesterday has introduced a new bug. Usually the penguin introduced by the pack was more likely to come over during Winter. After installing the patch its behaviour has changed, and the creature will now more likely be seen during summer. The change in climate preference may not be obvious at first, but after playing for some time you will notice that the penguin prefers high temperatures over freezing ones. Besides all that, the penguin can also be adopted like any cat or dog, making it the most demanding house pet. Something dogs (if you have Pets as well) won't like: a pet dog will very likely constantly chase the penguin around, even if the latter is just trying to have a friendly conversation with the dog. A new patch will be released this week to solve all the problems, but until then Maxis recommends not to install the patch, as more issues may be caused by the radical changes the patch makes to some of the game's code. One of our members, Rosie, has given us a few screenshots made with the game, showing the summer appearance of the penguin. We have not yet spotted actual shots of the adoption possibility yet.

April Fools!

[Update 2 April, 16:10] Did we get you? Of course if you looked at the date, you would've known that nothing in the rest of this newspost is true at all. Yes, the penguin does appear during summer, but there's no bigger chance that it will during that particular season. Also, adopting penguins? Not in the Sims world. We hope you had a laugh, and if we did get you, better luck next year...

Penguin in Summer Penguin in Summer Penguin in Summer Penguin in Summer Penguin in Summer

One of the Maxoid engineers, responsible for the code changes, who wishes to remain anonymous, has told The Sims Zone that EA "regrets this failure in the patch. It's completely unintended, as changes to the Penguin code were not meant to be in this patch at all. Due to some mistakes in committing the changes to our central repository, the code was integrated in the final version of the patch, right after it went through all the phases of testing. The second patch was supposed to have some changes to the code, but not the errornous code that's in the current patch at all. That was just for testing." The patch that's currently available through the official website will be replaced soon. It won't be removed until after the weekend though. EA recommends to wait with downloading the patch until the issues have been resolved.
Written at 13:44 on Sunday, 1 April 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 21:38 on Sunday, 1 April 2007 by GTNS (Gugas)
This is April fools! You don't trick me!

Think a bit: if it was real, it would be announced first at the official website and not in a fansite! :-)

Written at 10:10 on Tuesday, 3 April 2007 by Lauri (Bracca)
I for one had a laugh :-D
There is no honour, without a pie or without The Sims 2!

Written at 19:17 on Saturday, 1 September 2007 by Vanessa (Vany)
Oh a penguin!!! but I have a questions in the Sims exist a password to have many bills. Please tell me the password.

:) Vany
Hi, I am Madeline and I have The Sims Complete Collection here you can view things of sims.

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