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New Pets Patch - Seasons Patch Due Soon
Just before the release of the Seasons patch, which is expected in the next couple of days, EA has released a new patch for the Pets expansion pack. Anybody who has the pack should install it, even if you also have Seasons. As before, there are two versions of the patch, one for the CD/DVD edition of the game, the other for the Digital Download (EA Link) version. As common for improved patches, there's just one patch left which includes the old version. The new patch fixes the following issues since the previous patch:
  • Custom objects will now be preserved when uploading Lots to the Exchange.
  • Sim children will again show their genetically correct hair color.
  • Thumbnails of uniformed NPC's will now show their current hair color.
  • The Pet Adoption pool will now replenish correctly.
  • Service NPC's that have died will now be replaced correctly.
  • While on an outing, a waiter will now properly place food on the table after it is ordered.
  • NPC thumbnails showing the "dyed" color of their hair. Th The NPC Maid will not longer get stuck cleaning a fish tank.
  • Teens option to "Go Out" now functioning correctly.
  • Birds and Womrats now require less feeding to survive. Pets now receive their pension upon retirement.
  • "Dance Together" between all available age groups now working correctly.
  • Children no longer levitate off ground during some interactions.
  • Marry Mr. Big or the Diva will now satisfy the want to "marry a rich sim".
  • The Sledgehammer tool will no longer leave deck parts when deleting decks.
  • Remote businesses are now working properly. Custom objects will now be preserved when uploading Lots to the Exchange.
See the Update page for this and more patches, and make sure you download and install the patch.

Written at 01:01 on Sunday, 25 March 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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