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Seasons Pictures and Videos from Europe
Sam Player is touring through Europe to show The Sims 2 Seasons to press and fans. From Spain the website Capital Sims has posted some videos and a few screenshots. Also from Spain come some videos on YouTube posted by user Noika86. More videos and screenshots come from SkySims, which has published a feature summary along with pictures and movies. French fansite Toto & Nono has interviewed Sam Player. The interview is in French though, but online translation tools can help you out making something of it. Another French fansite, Urbania Sims also has a preview of the event in Paris with several screenshots. There's also SimsForever Magazine with an article with several pictures. Finally, the official French site has also posted a preview of the new pack, along with several pictures and videos.The "Cliquez pour voir la vidéo throughout the article all point to different videos. Thanks to SnootySims and SimsZone for some of the links.

Written at 00:43 on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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