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Seasons Artworks
EA has released 6 new artworks of the Sims 2 Seasons, the new Sims 2 expansion pack that will be released next month. They show some of the new objects in the pack: a greenhouse, the juicer, the ice skating rink, the pool slide and finally the wishing well. There's also an artwork of a Sim with some fireflies. Of course we've collected them all and they're right below this article for your viewing pleasure. Just click the little thumbnails to see the large versions.

The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Seasons

Written at 23:30 on Tuesday, 16 January 2007 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 08:57 on Thursday, 18 January 2007 by Andrew (frank21)
How much will it be and will you be able to have green hands ( that means good with plants) cos am scottish

Written at 02:30 on Friday, 19 January 2007 by Gilang M Hamidy (gilang)
This artwork made me sad.... I saw the latest picture that shows the ice skating arena with curved balustrade.. But after i saw this picture, all i know is the curved-thingy is all-in-one with the arena..

Sad bcoz i culdn't makes a cool curved terrace for my SimHome.. :P

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