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EP5: Seasons Announced - Preview Pending
When Pets was released there was already a flyer of the fifth expansion pack included in the box. The title "In Season" had been revealed a little earlier already, but now the definite title of expansion 5 for the Sims 2 on PC is known: "Seasons." Seasons will get your Sims outside of their house, introducing them to weather and seasons. The pack will also include six new careers and other requested features like gardening and more. A few screenshots and artworks have already been revealed on the official site, where you can also find some product information. In Europe the pack will be released only on DVD, like with Pets, while in the USA it'll be on CD. The Sims Zone has also been allowed to see the game in action last week, and so you can expect a special exclusive preview of the new pack very soon. For now you'll find the screenshots, an artwork, the logo and the packshot here, stay tuned for more!
The Sims 2: Seasons - Screenshot The Sims 2: Seasons - Screenshot The Sims 2: Seasons - Screenshot The Sims 2: Seasons - Screenshot The Sims 2: Seasons - Screenshot The Sims 2: Seasons - Screenshot The Sims 2: Seasons - Screenshot The Sims 2: Seasons - Artwork The Sims 2: Seasons - Logo The Sims 2: Seasons - Packshot

Written at 01:19 on Sunday, 10 December 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 11:07 on Sunday, 10 December 2006 by Marcel (Colm)
This site is (I think) well known to always make the most detailed preview of them all. So looking very forward to it!

Written at 06:37 on Wednesday, 20 December 2006 by Anna (gothshojo6)
I am also looking forward to the new expansion pack. Also how the official site of the sims2 will keep us in touch of the new game.Hope the game will be exciting as it sounds

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