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The Sims: The Island for Next-Gen?
With the Playstation 3 and Nintendo's Wii being released soon, EA is working on a massive multiplayer online world, featuring at least three titles. At least that's what rumours tell, according to GamersReports. That website has posted a press release which has been removed by EA again, and thus is more of a rumour than anything else so far. The world, called "The Island" would feature at least Need for Speed, Theme Park and the Sims. These games would be released at 14 November according to the press release, which keeping in mind it's almost October already is extremely quick for such a big release, making it less realistic. The Sims game would feature offline story and free play modes, as well as an online free play mode. The story can be played split-screen or online as well. Somewhat similar to Vacation (On Holiday) for the Sims 1, the game is set in the mountains, the coast, or in a city. It's said to be released on Playstation 3, XBox 360 and Nintendo's Wii, as well as the PC. Considering the upcoming Pets release on PC as well, it seems November is too early for this game. Altogether it's all more of a rumour than anything else at this moment, but of course if more news is being released by EA we'll let you know. For now check the GamersReports article for some more details.

Written at 00:16 on Thursday, 28 September 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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