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Pets PC Preview at GameSpy
Gaming network GameSpy has recently checked out The Sims 2 Pets for PC, the fourth expansion pack for the Sims 2. The result is a new preview of the pack, which repeats mostly old information. They cover the life-like animations and of course the training of the pets, done by praising and scolding them for good and bad behaviour - in whichever way you like. GameSpy also mentions the problem furniture may have with the new cats and dogs. They also say Create a Pet is in many ways more flexible than Create a Sim, with the options to add layers to customise a breed. Genetics are also briefly mentioned, followed by the wolves in the pack. Wolves with glowing eyes may sometimes visit at night, resulting in lycanthropy in case of a bite. The entire preview has more details spread over the two pages.

Written at 16:19 on Sunday, 3 September 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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