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Pets Announcement Time
It's already been rumoured that the Sims 2 Pets will probably be announced today, 27 July. More confirmation and even an exact time comes from Maxis. In a post on the official BBS MaxoidDrea of the Web team has posted a message to check the official site for an announcement at 9am PST (5pm in Britain and Portugal, 18:00h for most of Europe). With all the previous hints it seems that the new expansion pack and console/handheld game will be announced at that time. Stay tuned to this site for more details, as we'll be right on it as the news happens. Thanks to Brewcrew4191 and NEON88888 at SnootySims for the tip.

Written at 11:11 on Thursday, 27 July 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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