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Deck Seating

New object: the Backless Deck Bench. To make your sims' backyard gatherings more comfortable - economically - just 100 simoleons.
Includes eight recolors.
Happy simming!

Check it out by clicking on the picture or you can find this object and more in my section under jendea

Written at 05:11 on Tuesday, 4 July 2006 by Jendea.

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Written at 14:13 on Wednesday, 5 July 2006 by diana broedersz (diana40p)
looking very nice

Written at 19:32 on Thursday, 6 July 2006 by sandra (jonny8)
why in my game is some of the object is red?

Written at 20:48 on Thursday, 6 July 2006 by Jendea (TSZ) (Jendea)
Hmm...I did a double check on the zip file/texture file and it seems fine. Is anyone else having this problem?

Written at 11:11 on Friday, 7 July 2006 by Sim Media!! (Jonnie566)
The red thing is a game problem, not the object. Check you've got the latest patches and that your graphics card meets the requirements of the game.
- Sim Media
- http://simmedia.co.uk

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