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Show the World How You Play
The Sims Played By campaign hasn't been updated for a while, not since February when it was for Open for Business. Probably for the upcoming expansion pack, and possibly console games as well, the advertising company for EA, W+K, is again looking for fans of the game to show how they play the game. To get in all you have to do is fill in a questionnaire, and submit some of your work. The questions in the questionnaire again hint towards the pets expansion, with questions like "If you could teach a pet any trick what would it be and why," and "Write a short story about a walrus, a toaster, two pounds of dog food and an umbrella." If you're lucky, you might be invited to EA to work on the next advertising campaign. For more details about entering, see the information page on the official site.

Written at 01:37 on Tuesday, 13 June 2006 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 19:49 on Tuesday, 20 June 2006 by Andrew McIntyre (administrator)
The Sims: Open for Business is a great game to
build your own business. I haven't go the game at the moment, but when I get it I was planning to build a Xscape Shopping Centre will approx:- 40 employees including 1 large parking lot.

It will be built in Modern Simsville more details will be on the Shopping Centre website which is
written by the creator of the Xscape Shopping
Centre. I first read all the online-reviews from
people who have already h ave the game and see how the like the game and I was suprised
to find that 15% of The Sims: Open for Business
gamers quite enjoyed building their own shop.

The Second Step was to think what I was going
to sell in my Xscape Shopping Centre. It will
cost me (approx) £1000,00000 to get all the employees and the accessories for the centre.
I am going to have 20 shops on each floor and
there will be 3 floors so that will be 30 shops all

If you are thinking about creating you own
shop or business get The Sims: Open for
Business. I hope there will be more information
coming soon on this comment area and hope I
will successed in the new Xscape Shopping

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