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Blogging Maxoids
Blogging is a popular thing on the Internet, and now Maxoids have started doing it as well. On the official site there are six recently posted blogs from Maxoids - some longer than others. A few Sims 2 team members tell about their work, others just put up an anecdote or random story. First there's MaxisLittleL, who tells about the Design Pit, where the designers for the Sims 2 do their work. She also tells about how the design and production teams are able to socialise and discuss the game during work. Next is MaxoidDrea of the web team. She says what the web team does, and also recaps on an old easter egg on the site, made around the time when the Sims 2 was released. MaxoidKitty explains how she picks items to be featured, and gives a few hints and tips for your Sims and Lots on the exchange.

MaxoidWarlern has a story about a Llama herder, and MaxoidGromit isn't feeling too well. Finally MaxoidGrant tells about his job - making up catalog texts for objects in the game. He includes two texts as a sample, but also has a couple of names for objects in one of the upcoming products. For more blog updates in the future, check the MySim Pages index.

Written at 20:13 on Monday, 12 June 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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