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EA Settles in Overtime Lawsuit for Engineers
Back in October of last year EA settled in a class action lawsuit about overtime compensation for Computer Graphics artists. Developers and employees of EA, including at least Sims 2 and the Urbz team members, were not paid for overtime they had to work to get a product finished in time. Now a similar case, filed by computer programmers (engineers) has also been settled. EA will make a payment of $14.9 million, which will need to cover all claims as well as attorney fees, incentive payments and administrative costs of the settlement. Any money that remains unclaimed will go to the Ronald McDonald House Charities, and it will also be used to establish scholarships at five universities (Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, Georgia Tech, Stanford University, and Morehouse/Spelman College) for female and under-represented minority students interested in studying interactive entertainment. EA doesn't expect the settlement will financially impact the fiscal fourth quarter 2006 by much. More information is to be found in the full press release.

Written at 00:31 on Wednesday, 26 April 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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