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IGN Reviews Open for Business
A little later than most other sites, gaming site IGN has now also reviewed Open for Business. They say that running a Sims business is sometimes more like work than play, but fun nonetheless - although not too intuitive, as previous reviews have also mentioned. Checking the manual helps out though. They also comment that the talent badges are somewhat mysterious - skills do accelerate getting badges, but it doesn't say which skills help with what badges. The new items in the game are well-made by Maxis, including some of the crafted toys and robots besides the usual furniture. Altogether it is the least fun Sims 2 expansion so far, as it requires a lot of work to get a successful business. Overall IGN gives the pack a rating of 7.8 out of 10. Read the complete review over two pages for all of IGN's thoughts about the game.

Written at 00:00 on Wednesday, 22 March 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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