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Open for Business Commercial Contest
Maxis is giving away prizes again, and this time it's a PC from nVidia as well as three graphics cards. If you want to win one of them, you have to make a video commercial for a business ran with the Sims 2 Open for Business. Whether it's for a store, company, club, or any other type of business you can come up with, is up to you. You can enter by posting the video on your MySim page on the official site and filling in the entry form before 24 March. The video has to be 60 seconds or shorter, including the "Made with the Sims 2" cinematic, and must be published in QuickTime, Avi or Windows Media format. Only citizens of the United States and Canada, except the states Colorado, Arizona, Maryland, New Jersey, Tennessee, Vermont and Quebec. Winners will be selected by EA around 5 April. For more information about the contest, read the rules page.

Written at 22:28 on Sunday, 12 March 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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