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Open for Business Reviews
Several reviews are appearing about Open for Business, and although some of the big gaming sites haven't covered it yet, other, smaller ones have. Two of them are the Australian PAL Gaming Network and PC GameWorld. The first one says the game is the deepest expansion for the Sims 2 yet, but it's designed to work with University and Nightlife - something other reviews have also mentioned. The gameplay is complex, but addictive, especially when you get the hang of running a business. Unfortunately the interface isn't as easy to learn as PAL hoped it would be. The final score for the expansion pack is a 7.0, as you can read in the entire review. A shorter review that doesn't mention much more than all the features is to be read at PC GameWorld, which rates the game at 88%. You can read the review if you want more details. If you want our opinion, read our growing review.

Written at 16:45 on Wednesday, 8 March 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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