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OfB Reviews
What was started by GameSpy last week, is now slowly advancing, as new reviews of Open for Business are starting to be placed online. We'll have our own review up soon, but until then there are - for now - two more reviews you can read. Websites 1Up and Yahoo! Games made up their opinion about the expansion pack. The main point 1Up makes is that it's not as easy and straightforward as the previous expansion packs, and although it does add some new objects fans will like, it lacks the "whimsical feel of playing a 'Sim God.'" Yahoo! has a little more to say, and notes that the business system is surprisingly open-ended. It's not as intuitive as may be expected, and if you run a business at home the customers won't notice much of a distinction - though it should be taken into account that doors are lockable now. Similar to GameSpy, Yahoo! also says the expansion works best in combination with Nightlife. Nevertheless it's a good game that'll add many hours of gaming time, although if you don't have any other expansions yet, University or Nightlife might be better to start with. The 1Up Review gives the expansion pack a score of 7.0 out of 10, whereas in the Yahoo! Review you'll see a score of 4 out of 5 stars.

Written at 22:13 on Saturday, 4 March 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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